Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Treadmills, Diaries & Veggie Boxes

I realized today that it's been two weeks since I posted anything. I think in part this has been because I've been having a rougher time lately. Perhaps it's the point in my cycle, perhaps it's other stressers in life, perhaps it's because Perma-Cloud (you know, the clouds that perpetually cover the skies of South Bend from October through April?) is starting to set in and the weather is colder and wetter, perhaps it's seeing so many of our newly married friends blessed immediately with a baby (we are thrilled for all of them by the way!, it's just hard for us to swallow as I am sure you can understand) perhaps it's the holidays approaching and wishing so much that we had a little person to share it with. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, the weight of the cross has been extra heavy the last few weeks. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all doom and gloom, and there are, of course, still wonderful things happening in our life, but I can't deny that it has been a rougher stretch and I have found myself at a loss for what to post that would not sound too depressing or without hope. Sometimes when you're in a funk, you just need to step back from everyday life and deal with it. So that's what I've been doing.

There is much good news in our life though. First and foremost on my mind and something that has made a huge difference in how I feel....I have begun running again. My first run post-surgery went better than I had expected honestly, and I was thrilled. I've hit a few speed bumps along the way, but am up to about a mile and half a day right now and am increasing steadily. I am back in Pilates weekly now as well and am able to do almost all aspects of the class with just a few modifications while those ab/core muscles are still knitting themselves together. Praise the Lord!

My prayer life has regained it's balance...starting each day off with morning mass is a huge centering force on my day and I have been much better about praying a daily rosary. Sometimes I am able to devote 20 minutes of quiet time for my rosary, other times its prayed while washing dishes, driving across town or even while proctoring an exam while subbing for the local high school. But praying the rosary has been richly rewarding and I ask myself again and again why I ever resist this devotion. It's amazing how the events of life appear so differently when you contemplate them against the background of the mysteries Christ's life.

I am also knee deep in the Diary of St. Faustina right now. I have started the diary several times, but have never finished and this time am determined to do so. Wow do I love the mystics! Their relationship with the Lord is so powerful, so intense, so beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if you all hear a lot about St. Faustina and the Diary in the coming months, because I keep finding passage after passage after passage that really strikes me and that I find life-changing.

And finally, as silly as this might sound, one of the big joys of our life right now is our Organic Veggie boxes. About a month ago we began ordering Veggie Boxes from a local Organic organization. We have wanted to do something like this for years, since seeing at Dave's sister's in Davis, CA, but have never lived in an area where they had something like it. In South Bend, the way it works is that you get a list on Monday of your options --Veggie Box, Fruit Box, Combo Box, or Just-for-Two Box (combo box for 2) -- and you have until Friday to place your order that you'll pick up on the following week. What we love about this is the wonderful variety of produce that we are getting. It's pushing us out of the same ol' rut of carrots and broccoli and making us venture into the world of Kale, Red Swiss Chard, and Ginger...tons and tons of Ginger (in fact I think I have 3 pieces the size of my hand in the fridge right now). We have had so much fun opening our box each week and getting creative with what we're cooking. Each week is it's own Top Chef-like challenge as we race to use the produce before it goes bad (or the next box arrives) and has become our new favorite website as we hunt down recipes that will help us win the game. :) It really has been a blast! We are expanding our veggie horizons, exploring new recipes, and best of all we are eating organic for cheaper than what we would pay for non-organic at the grocery store!

So that's pretty much it as far as an update. We're keeping on keeping on and thankful for the many blessings in our life! We pray that you are all well and thank you for your continued prayers! (In case you're a foodie like us, I've listed the Veggie Box options below for your amusement! :) And if you're in the South Bend area and are interested in knowing more, just email me.)


2.5 Lbs Bananas
Apple Cider 1/2 Gallon
1 Lb Limes
1 Pomegranate
1 Lb Kiwi Fruit
3 Asian Pears
1 Pineapple
3 Lbs Red Pears
1 Mango
3 Lbs Gala Apples
2 Grapefruit
2 Fuyu Persimmons
1.5 Lbs Red Grapes
1 Broccoli
1 Cucumber
1 Red Bell Pepper
2 Zucchini
2 Avocados
1 Celery Heart
1 Pkg Romaine Hearts
1 Pkg Baby Spinach
1 Pkg Cherry Tomatoes
1 Lb Baby Carrots
1 Piece Ginger Root
1 Green Kale
2 Lbs Yukon Potoates
2 Red Onion

2.5 Lbs Bananas
1 Pomegranate
2 Grapefruit
3 Lbs Green Pears
1 Green Kale
2 Zucchini Squash
1 Pkg Baby Spinach
1 Pkg Romaine Hearts
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Pkg Cherry Tomatoes
1 Broccoli Head
2 Lbs Yukon Potatoes
1 Piece Ginger Root
2 Red Onions
JUST-FOR-2 BOX ($28)
2.5 Lbs Bananas
2 Valencia Oranges
1 Pomegranate
2 Grapefruit
3 Lbs Green Pears
1 Red Onion
1 Cucumber
2 Lbs Yukon Potatoes
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Pkg Cherry Tomatoes
1 Pkg Romaine Hearts
1 Avocado
1 Piece Ginger Root


  1. I know what you mean about the clouds hanging's completely exciting when the sun peaks her head out for a bit huh? It's been mild out..but this weekend we are expecting a cold they say "if you don't like the weather now...don't worry it will change." or something like that.

    Lots of bloggers (including myself) are already doing dreading the upcoming Christmas holiday. hmmmm....sad huh? This should be a happy and merry time. hmmm...I do love the music of the season...I love the decorations and the fact it's Christ's Bday! I just want to bottle up my IF for Christmas and put it away and enjoy what Christmas is all about.

    My hubby and I are not good veggie eaters. I try as best as I can to incorporate salad in my diet..but it's tough. Something we need to work on. The boxes of veggies and fruits do sound interesting. That is great that you are having fun trying new recipes!

    God Bless!

  2. I am so excited your reading St. Faustina's diary!! It is my favorite diary by a saint thus far!! It was and is such therapy for my soul, especially during the first year of my doctoral program. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!
    Love ya!!
