Friday, March 5, 2010

Creighton & NaPro Open House - March 21, 2010

Here's what I've been up to lately! If you're in the area or know people who are (especially Doctors and Medical Professionals) please spread the word! Thanks.


  1. Good for you! I wish I was closer, I do everything possible to support CrMS and Napro and tell our story. And now we have conceived #2 on our first month trying-with our hx truly a miracle, but with the right protocol in place through Dr. Hilgers...We are actually speaking out our medical professionals' symposium in April. Thanks for promoting such an amazing system of authentic healthcare for women!

  2. You're working on a good cause...eventhough it didn't help me(yet, I feel the only way it napro would help is if I were to see Dr. H..and we just can't afford to pay out of pocket for his services..our ins. won't cover this..oh well...I know it's been helping many other women. I'm sure it will be a success!!!
